Day 1 - Marfa, Texas

After a long drive from Turnertown, we finally pulled into the first campground of our trip... the Tumble In R.V. Park. It was full of stickers, and very windy, but we were glad to finally get camp set up.

This is the office at the Tumble In R.V. Park. It was self-check-in and we were supposed to have a tent space. We couldn't figure out where the tent spaces were and ended up setting up in a pull-through RV space. When the manager arrived he pointed out that we weren't in the tent spaces, but since we had all ready set up, and since the park was practically empty, he was very kind and didn't make us move our camp.

Our campsite in Marfa. That's Damion's tent and jeep and our truck with the ancient camper on it. It may be ugly, but it kept us off the stickers!

Damion and Madison chillin'.

We had to visit John Cerney's giant tribute to the movie "Giant" which was filmed in Marfa.

A ranch outside of Marfa, the giant artwork is on this ranch.

These columns were in our campground in Marfa... they were kinda plain during the day, but at night they were gorgeous!

On the night of our first day, we went out to see the lights of Marfa. I should have used a longer lens, but since I didn't know what to expect, I chose my wide angle. I used the Live Composite mode on my Olympus camera to capture the lights. This is about a 2 minute exposure, you can see star trails, lightening in the clouds, and the lights of a car which lit up the foreground. The red lights are towers. The other lights would come and go, fade in and out, move around. It was very weird. They seemed to move up and down more than what is shown in this image. I think it must be car lights, but the sign there said these lights have been appearing since the 1800's, so I don't know what they are.
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